
Foto WebsiteI’m an Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bergen. Before joining Bergen, I was an Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hamburg and a member of the Phlox Research Group and the Emmy Noether Research Group Ontology After Quine. I did my PhD (at St. John’s College) and MPhil (at Girton College) at the University of Cambridge after obtaining a BA from Humboldt-Universität Berlin.

My philosophical interests lie at the intersection of metaphysics with the philosophy of logic and language. I also have a keen interest in the history of analytic philosophy, especially in the philosophy of Gottlob Frege (my PhD thesis developed a Fregean theory of indexicals and their role in cognition and action) and Susan Stebbing.

Feel free to contact me at: lukas[dot]skiba[at]uni-hamburg.de

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